Robert H. Janigian Jr., M.D.

Meet Robert H. Janigian, Jr. M.D.

Robert H. Janigian, Jr. M.D. is a Clinical Professor of Surgery at the Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University in Providence R.I. where he also has a private practice specializing in vitreoretinal diseases and uveitis. He graduated phi beta kappa from the University of New Hampshire before receiving his medical degree from Brown University. He did 2 years of internal medicine training before deciding to pursue ophthalmology. He completed his ophthalmology residency and vitreoretinal fellowship at RI Hospital/Brown University and a uveitis fellowship at Tuft’s New England Medical Center.

Understanding that medical education is vital in producing the next generation of high quality ophthalmologists Dr. Janigian has been a committed member of the ophthalmology faculty at Brown University and is a member of the vitreoretinal service, chief of the uveitis service, member of the Advisory Council of the R.I. Hospital Department of Ophthalmology and participates annually in the residency interviews for the department.

He has been a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology since 1992 and currently serves on the Patient Education Committee. He is an ardent believer in advocacy and has been an active member of the R.I. Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons (RISEPS) serving as treasurer, secretary, vice president and ultimately president of the society from 2011 -2013 and concurrently served as councilor to the R.I. Medical Society 2011-2013. He has served as RISEPS councilor to the AAO since 2012. He has been honored by the American Academy of Ophthalmology with the Secretariat Award in 2014 and an Achievement Award in 2015 and has been the recipient of several teaching awards from the Department of Ophthalmology at Alpert Medical School of Brown University.

Outside of his beloved profession, Dr. Janigian enjoys spending time with his wife and four amazing sons, running marathons, doing Spartan races and CrossFit.

"Love Dr. Janigian! He is excellent at his job."
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